(see also publication_formatting)

The Luminous green publication aims to become a resource for people who would like to work and live in a 'luminous green way': imaginative, electrified and illuminated. As such, it should go beyond being a catalogue of individual projects, but provide a glimpse of worlds in which we'd like to live and that we'd like to help create. This publication should reflect a 'luminous green' spirit and have a relatively lasting value as a record of current thinking, growing and making in the context of creativity & sustainability. As we want to publication to appeal to diverse audiences, it should avoid jargon wherever possible.

The publication will have an online and a hard copy component. The contributions for the online publication can be more informal and blog-like. The hard copy publication will have a more rigorous selection of contributions and a stronger editorial 'stamp'.

Deadline for submissions by participants of Luminous Green 2008: 1 October 2008.

Tentative publishing date: early 2009.

If you would like to contribute to the Luminous Green Publication, below is a list of recommendations for authors and artists.


  • Short contributions: Up to 1500 words, with or without images.
  • Long contributions: Up to 4000 words, with or without images.

We encourage the participants to send short contributions, unless they have a topic that requires longer reflection and elaboration.


Please submit plain text, .doc. .odt, or .rtf files without images embedded. If the images should be placed in the text, please make a note in the text like this: [insert image smith1.jpg here]. For submission of images, follow the guidelines for images below.

Please clean your text up as much as possible (beware of white spaces, indentations, …. , etc.). Optionally, you can provide basic style indications (headings, subheadings, body text).

References and in text citations

Please use the following style when using references in your submissions:

Egbert, Adalbert King of Gothmord. 1344. Practical Guide to Witch Hunting. Oxford University Press.

Possible types of textual contributions

The Luminous Green publication encourages a variety of contributions. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretical articles (not necessarily following strict academic standards)
  • Travelogues
  • Manuals (how to…)
  • Artistic documentation
  • Interviews
  • Short statements
  • Manifestos
  • Poems
  • Stories
  • Commented code
  • Recipes
The Voices of the Luminous Green Publication
  • For longer texts: 'serious' magazine style, with a touch of academic rigour (only where appropriate).
  • For short contributions: where images are a dominant medium, we can allow more 'frivolity', i.e. the contributions could bring a more 'airy', or poetic atmosphere to the publication.
  • Policy regarding “Personal Journey/Insight/Revelation about Myself” genre in articles: to be avoided, but if deemed necessary, it should be well-written and relevant to a wider audience.


Images can be submitted as:

  • Individual Photographs and Illustrations: Colour or B/W, high resolution (preferably 300dpi, if not available, then as large as you can get them), in any digital format (such as .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .psd, .xcf, .pdf), with captions.
  • Photo Essays: Up to 10 images, high resolution, numbered colour or B/W, with captions,
  • Single or series of images as a part of a textual contribution: Up to 5 images (unless otherwise agreed, contact us if you want to include more than 5 images). For each image follow instructions for individual photographs.

Naming convention: use your last name and a number, such as “smith1.tiff, smith2.tiff, etc.”

The publication will be distributed under the following Creative Commons license:


If you do not agree with your materials being published under this license, please contact us.

Luminous Green editorial committee: Maja Kuzmanovic, Alkan Chipperfield and Nik Gaffney

  • luminous/publication_guidelines.txt
  • Last modified: 2013-02-12 03:52
  • by nik
  • Currently locked by: