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future_fabulators:windassisted [2023-01-23 12:51] – [Projects] Pierius Magnus [2024-11-13 19:24] (current) timbo
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 There are more people putting together designs for cargo vessels to be built from the ground up. These are not projects as such, but designs that could be used by a project. There are more people putting together designs for cargo vessels to be built from the ground up. These are not projects as such, but designs that could be used by a project.
 +== Stratagig Rant ==
 +Nice Rant at bottom of page bi Mirones:
 +== HarryProa ==
 +Vanuatu oriented.
 +early 2023 still just operating
 == Scruffie (Australia) == == Scruffie (Australia) ==
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 Very small cargo freighter "skonker" (not sure if that is a real ship type), Dutch style, built 2001-2002 in USA, sailed to Europe. Basis of Tres hombres / Fair Transport. Very small cargo freighter "skonker" (not sure if that is a real ship type), Dutch style, built 2001-2002 in USA, sailed to Europe. Basis of Tres hombres / Fair Transport.
 Boat abandoned in Cap Verde / Canaries. Boat abandoned in Cap Verde / Canaries.
 https://twitter.com/ecoclipper/status/1238887869370044420 https://twitter.com/ecoclipper/status/1238887869370044420
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihRi7YPA4Ww https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihRi7YPA4Ww
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HokdRGhqChQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HokdRGhqChQ
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 ==== Press and other writing, talking, etc ==== ==== Press and other writing, talking, etc ====
 A collection of articles, podcasts, television, etc. A collection of articles, podcasts, television, etc.
 +=== 2024 ===
 +Brigantes Sanierung in process. 1.3m Euro debt.
 +VELA cargo trimaran getting built at Australian shipmaker. Austral-
 +First large sail cargo ship Anemos, crosses the Atlantic with 1000 tonnes.
 +Small boats, small deliveries. Still worth it.
 +Gallant sunk 
 +Looking at the two TOWT and teh Grain de Sail II as new, effecient sail cargo vessels.
 +=== 2023 ===
 +Underwater Noise and possible remedies. Includes Veer.
 +Financial Times Some Flettner rotors have already been retirned. IWSA says attitudes are changing. https://www.ft.com/content/50656582-8b42-47d9-9bcf-decb0f976dd3
 +=== 2022 ===
 +June: Rocket transporter Canopée hits the water. https://swzmaritime.nl/news/2022/06/28/sailing-freighter-canopee-for-ariane-6-rockets-hits-the-water/
 +February: Grain de Sail starts build of second boat, 50m long, 350 tonnes cargo capacity. First vessel will "retire" to coastal work.
 +Partially critical discussion: https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/sail-cargo.67049/
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 May: Schooner Appolonia Hudson River. https://www.grubstreet.com/2021/05/a-vintage-sailboat-ferries-groceries-from-hudson-to-brooklyn.html  and https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2021/05/24/sailing-vessel-horse-drawn-wagon-deliver-cargo-to-industrial-red-hook/ May: Schooner Appolonia Hudson River. https://www.grubstreet.com/2021/05/a-vintage-sailboat-ferries-groceries-from-hudson-to-brooklyn.html  and https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2021/05/24/sailing-vessel-horse-drawn-wagon-deliver-cargo-to-industrial-red-hook/
 +March: Brigantes. https://brutkasten.com/artikel/brigantes-startup-wiederbelebt-fur-kaffeetransport-die-alte-kunst-des-segelns?ref=articletext
 Spring: Master's Thesis Steven Woods "Sail Freight Revival: Methods of Calculating Fleet, Labor and Cargo needs for supplying Cities by Sail"  https://drive.google.com/file/d/19WDQ0H-FhoBsKJSv0a6bWZZKWXEaX-CI/view Spring: Master's Thesis Steven Woods "Sail Freight Revival: Methods of Calculating Fleet, Labor and Cargo needs for supplying Cities by Sail"  https://drive.google.com/file/d/19WDQ0H-FhoBsKJSv0a6bWZZKWXEaX-CI/view
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  • Last modified: 2023-01-23 12:51
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