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72 Hits, Last modified:
d challenge our creative know-how and insight. At FoAM we have been dissecting and experimenting with po... t has remained on the organisational framework of FoAM itself. As a result of this exercise, we produced... equently be prototyped in experimental scenarios: FoAM as a Bohemian Salon, an Incubator for Successful ... to be relevant and useful beyond their testing at FoAM, to organisations and groups facing similar issue
22 Hits, Last modified:
Monique Alvarez {{>}} Mathematician and machine artist ... low">Ben Vickers</a> <a title="spr ingc afe von _foam bei Flickr" href="">{{ boration with Argos, Vooruit, Beursschouwburg and FoAM. **{{>
12 Hits, Last modified:
Helvetica; font-size: 13px;"> <a title="twist by _foam, on Flickr" href=""><img src=" veryday Mottainay.</p> <p><a title="book fair by _foam, on Flickr" href=""><img src="
4 Hits, Last modified:
d challenge our creative know-how and insight. At FoAM we have been dissecting and experimenting with po... t has remained on the organisational framework of FoAM itself. As a result of this exercise, we produced... equently be prototyped in experimental scenarios: FoAM as a Bohemian Salon, an Incubator for Successful ... to be relevant and useful beyond their testing at FoAM, to organisations and groups facing similar issue
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idency]] * [[20120613.scenarioplanning-workshop-foam]] * [[20120613.notes-sensing-resilience-worksho... 0207.tryadd-and-resilients-salon]] * [[20111209.foam-interview-mcd-65]] * [[20111128.resilients-naik... * -salon/ * *
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pressions from the Mathematickal Arts workshop at FoAM in Brussels, 23-25 July {{>}} The workshop explored the questio... ary programming. {{>}} See images of this eve
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Monique Alvarez {{>}} As a part of "Kanal Labs triangulated"; FoAM and Urbanibalism served a range of detoxifying bi... man bodily ecology. See images of this event
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oisy doorbell it was just like any other visit to FoAM: I hadn't a clue what was going to happen once I ... cus to the exact region of Molenbeek in which the FoAM studio is located: a block delimited by Future an... use this toolbox the next time I'm about to ring FoAM's noisy doorbell, it may give me an insight about
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rocket science. {{>}} Rocketboat Day is a participatory... {{>}} See images of this eve
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h/naikan---looking-inside/ We will use Naikan at FoAM in the Future Preparedness case study of the Resi... n post-retreat. Ten Naikan participants come from FoAM Brussels and Amsterdam, as well as our wider netw
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now <del>camping</del> in residence at <a title="FoAM Studios Brussels" href="">FoAM Brussels</a> preparing the Subak and assorted pro
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Monique Alvarez {{>}} CoC Boat "Subak" arrives in Brussels! {{}} images
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gramme 2007-2013. [[|See image
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==== FoAM interview in MCD #65 ==== 2012-11-22 14:12:10 by Monique Alvarez An interview with Maja a
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even more so. As we float on a few centimeters of foam in our hiking mattresses, high above us the Inter
  • foam.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-09-06 10:35
  • by nik