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biotechnology [2011-02-20 22:31] – [Alter Nature Symposium] takufoambiotechnology [2013-11-07 08:10] – old revision restored alkan
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 Some collected thought circuits at the "Alter Nature Symposium", about Designing Nature; Designing Human Life; Owning Life Some collected thought circuits at the "Alter Nature Symposium", about Designing Nature; Designing Human Life; Owning Life
-Fri, Feb.18, 011 - University of Hasselt [BE]+Fri, Feb.18, 011 - University of Hasselt [BE] - Program and Speakers info > http://ornamism.com/tag/alter-nature/
-Some quotes from keynote speaker Ignace Schops (landscaping expert, herpetologist; International Ambassador of Biodiversity).  
-+=== Designing Nature ===
-Tourism is one of the biggest threats for nature.+
 +Ignace Schops (landscaping expert, herpetologist; International Ambassador of Biodiversity). 
 A sustainable civilization flourishes when people plant trees under which they never will sit... A sustainable civilization flourishes when people plant trees under which they never will sit...
 +Tourism is one of the biggest threats for nature.
 We entered the sixth stage of extinction - (See > The Red List of Threatened Species (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) - http://www.iucnredlist.org/) We entered the sixth stage of extinction - (See > The Red List of Threatened Species (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) - http://www.iucnredlist.org/)
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 " "
-=== Designing Nature === 
 **Adam Zaretsky - Art & Gene Action: Pathways to Expression** **Adam Zaretsky - Art & Gene Action: Pathways to Expression**
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-=== Designing Life ===+=== Designing Human Life ===
-**Koen Vanmechelen** talked about his well known //Cosmopolitan Chicken Project// launched in the late nineties to create through cross-breeding domestic chickens from all over the world the "truly cosmopolitan chicken"; 'a metaphor for the global cultural and genetic mix that diversity and hybridization create'+Prof. Dr. Catherine Verfaillie. Expert in Stem Cell Biology. Director of the Interdepartmental Stem Cell Institute at the KULeuven.  "Scientific and ethical questions implicated in the use of Embryonic (self-renewing) Stem Cells, that can heal all diseases, could be avoided through **[[http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2010/january/wernig.html|the direct transformation of cells into neurons]]**." [[http://stemcell.stanford.edu/about/Laboratories/wernig/index.html|Prof. M. Wernig (Lab); Stanford University]] 
 +Artist Koen Vanmechelen [BE] talked about his well known //[[http://www.koenvanmechelen.be|Cosmopolitan Chicken Project]]// launched in the late nineties to create through cross-breeding domestic chickens from all over the world the **"truly cosmopolitan chicken"**; 'a metaphor for the global cultural and genetic mix that diversity and hybridization create'
 dr. Ir. Rinie van Est from the dutch //Rathenau Institute// raised questions fused by the **Bio-Machine Era** [Joel Garreau, 2004]: 'What does it mean to be human/What is the human condition; Who controls the brain interventions; f.i. remote controlled rats; total engagement in games > gamification of life, of war... He pointed at two bio-engineering megatrends, B iology becomes T echnology and vice versa. A convergence takes place of Information revolution, Materials(nano) revolution, Biotech revolution (Jeremy Rifkin would have asked why Mr. van Est does not mention the [[http://www.foet.org/ongoing/documents/LeadingWayThirdIndustrialRevEUabridged5-14-08.pdf|Energy revolution)]]. dr. Ir. Rinie van Est from the dutch //Rathenau Institute// raised questions fused by the **Bio-Machine Era** [Joel Garreau, 2004]: 'What does it mean to be human/What is the human condition; Who controls the brain interventions; f.i. remote controlled rats; total engagement in games > gamification of life, of war... He pointed at two bio-engineering megatrends, B iology becomes T echnology and vice versa. A convergence takes place of Information revolution, Materials(nano) revolution, Biotech revolution (Jeremy Rifkin would have asked why Mr. van Est does not mention the [[http://www.foet.org/ongoing/documents/LeadingWayThirdIndustrialRevEUabridged5-14-08.pdf|Energy revolution)]].
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 The Creation of a Biological Spare Part: Manufacturing Tissues by Developmental Engineering  The Creation of a Biological Spare Part: Manufacturing Tissues by Developmental Engineering 
 +Prof. Dr. Frank Luyten (Tigenix, BE); expert in regenerative medicine, cellular therapeutics, cartilage/joint surface repair and the adult stem cells in synovial tissue. 
 +"A close interaction between the efforts of biologists and of engineers can speed up tissue engineering processes / **Growing Systems** f.i. like growing a bone in vitro with Bioreactors... We introduced the term **Developmental Engineering**, integrating concepts from rapid advances in developmental biology, systems biology, and network science, the term describes a methodology for rational and accurate design of robust, well- controlled manufacturing processes". - http://www.tigenix.com
 === Owning Life === === Owning Life ===
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 //Dr. Berthold Rutz (EU patent examiner) //Dr. Berthold Rutz (EU patent examiner)
 // //
-"__Definition of Patents__ + 
-Legal title granting the holder the right to prevent others from using an invention without authorisation. +__Definition of Patents__: A legal title granting the holder the right to prevent others from using an invention without authorisation. It is not a right to practise the invention
-It is not a right to practise the invention+
 The patent system added to the fuel of interest to the fire of genius." Abraham Lincoln The patent system added to the fuel of interest to the fire of genius." Abraham Lincoln
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 **Design as a Method - Governing by Design** - Paolo Antonelli's (MoMA): "design applied not as a mere aesthetic or functional tool but as a conceptual method, based on scenarios that keep human beings in focus, with the means consequently allotted in elegant, economic, and organic ways to achieve the imagined goals. Even though design alone will not solve everything, it will, as always, help create and implement effective solutions that are attuned to human nature." In: Seed Magazine, February 20, 2011 - http://seedmagazine.com/content/article/on_governing_by_design/ **Design as a Method - Governing by Design** - Paolo Antonelli's (MoMA): "design applied not as a mere aesthetic or functional tool but as a conceptual method, based on scenarios that keep human beings in focus, with the means consequently allotted in elegant, economic, and organic ways to achieve the imagined goals. Even though design alone will not solve everything, it will, as always, help create and implement effective solutions that are attuned to human nature." In: Seed Magazine, February 20, 2011 - http://seedmagazine.com/content/article/on_governing_by_design/
-**Garreau, Joel** (2005) Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human - Doubleday Publishers. http://www.garreau.com/main.cfm?action=book&id=2+Garreau, Joel(2005) **Radical Evolution**: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human - Doubleday Publishers. http://www.garreau.com/main.cfm?action=book&id=2
-**Photosynthesizing bacteria** - "Dawn of PlantimalsCould a fish with built-in photosynthetic bacteria help feed the world?" Debora MacKenzie and Michael Le PageNewScientistDecember 2010, Volume 208#2790Pp 33-35Featuring Christina Agapakis' research (Harvard Medical School) and experiment on injecting photosynthetic bacteria into the eggs of zebrafish+**GM and Nanotech / Grey Goo**  
 +Joy, BillWhy the future doesn't need us. Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - roboticsgenetic engineeringand nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species. In: Wired. Issue 8.04 Apr2000 http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy.html
-"[[http://blogs.plos.org/retort/2010/12/20/why-animals-so-rarely-photosynthesize/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+plos%2Fblogs%2Fmain+%28Blogs+-+Main%29|Why Most Animals So Rarely Photosynthesize]]" John Rennie, The Gleaming Retort, December 20,2010+**GM and Plants/Animals**
 +  - Ordered List Item"Dawn of Plantimals. Could a fish with built-in photosynthetic bacteria help feed the world?" Debora MacKenzie and Michael Le Page. In: NewScientist, December 2010, Volume 208, #2790. Pp 33-35. Featuring Christina Agapakis' research (Harvard Medical School) and experiment on injecting photosynthetic bacteria into the eggs of zebrafish. 
 +  - Ordered List Item"[[http://blogs.plos.org/retort/2010/12/20/why-animals-so-rarely-photosynthesize/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+plos%2Fblogs%2Fmain+%28Blogs+-+Main%29|Why Most Animals So Rarely Photosynthesize]]" - John Rennie, The Gleaming Retort, December 20,2010
-// notes by bartaku based on live talks and hand-outs +  - Ordered List ItemA Tale of Two Botanies. Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins. In: Wired. Issue 8.04, Apr. 2000 - [[http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/botanies.html]] 
 +Jones, R. A. L. (2004). **Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life**. Oxford Univ. Press (UK). [[http://www.softmachines.org]] 
 +Steels, Luc. **Analogies between Genome and Language Evolution** Sony CSL, Paris. 2004. [[http://www3.isrl.illinois.edu/~junwang4/langev/localcopy/pdf/steels04ALife.pdf]] 
 +// by bartaku//
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  • Last modified: 2013-11-13 14:59
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