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acorns [2023-11-09 10:03] – created nikacorns [2023-11-09 10:09] (current) – [Acorns] nik
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    * rinse, cook in boiling water, using two pots.    * rinse, cook in boiling water, using two pots.
 +   * roast in single layers on oven tray at 180ºC for an hour or so
 "Bring two large stockpots to a boil. Pour the acorns into one pot and let it boil until the water turns dark, usually about 15 minutes. Carefully transfer the acorns to the second pot of boiling water and boil the nuts for about 15 minutes. Refill the first stockpot and bring it to a boil. Keep transferring the acorns from one pot of boiling water to the other until the water stays clear. Drain the acorns in the colander and let cool for about 10 minutes. "Bring two large stockpots to a boil. Pour the acorns into one pot and let it boil until the water turns dark, usually about 15 minutes. Carefully transfer the acorns to the second pot of boiling water and boil the nuts for about 15 minutes. Refill the first stockpot and bring it to a boil. Keep transferring the acorns from one pot of boiling water to the other until the water stays clear. Drain the acorns in the colander and let cool for about 10 minutes.
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 Do not rinse your acorns with cold water during the leaching process or you'll bind the tannins to the acorn and they will turn out bitter." Do not rinse your acorns with cold water during the leaching process or you'll bind the tannins to the acorn and they will turn out bitter."
- - roast in single payers on oven tray at 180ºC for an hour or so 
 via https://www.themadfermentationist.com/2018/12/fermented-acorn-sour-brown.html via https://www.themadfermentationist.com/2018/12/fermented-acorn-sour-brown.html
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    * wait    * wait
-=== recipes ===+==== Recipes ====
 e.g. https://practicalselfreliance.com/acorn-recipes/ e.g. https://practicalselfreliance.com/acorn-recipes/
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-==== Bellotas cocidas con naranja y canela ====+=== Bellotas cocidas con naranja y canela ===
 **Ingredientes:** **Ingredientes:**
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 Se hace una hendidura a cada una de las bellotas en la punta para que puedan coger el aroma, se ponen en un recipiente con agua, con la cáscara de la naranja, la rama de canela, la miel y canela en polvo y se dejan hervir durante 25 minutos aproximadamente. Se escurren del agua y se sirven con la canela como aperitivo o dulce. Se hace una hendidura a cada una de las bellotas en la punta para que puedan coger el aroma, se ponen en un recipiente con agua, con la cáscara de la naranja, la rama de canela, la miel y canela en polvo y se dejan hervir durante 25 minutos aproximadamente. Se escurren del agua y se sirven con la canela como aperitivo o dulce.
-==== Torta de bellotas ====+=== Torta de bellotas ===
 **Ingredientes:** **Ingredientes:**
  • acorns.1699524213.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023-11-09 10:03
  • by nik