
Microresidencies are designed for people who are keen to work on a well-defined project that also substantially involves FoAM's team: short, intensive and focused sessions lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The resident proposes a challenge or research question that they tackle together with a selected group of experts and enthusiasts from within FoAM's network.

_13_0284DSCN3886_1Cat Jones residency - making edible perfumes

Traces of microresidencies:

Guidelines for residents

Objectives: As the duration of a microresidency is very short, we ask you to be quite goal-oriented. Please propose one research question or challenge before the residency starts and plan to have an answer or outcome to it by the end of the residency.

Link to FoAM's programme: Microresidencies are intended to fall closely in line with FoAM's artistic programme, rather than residents simply using our facilities to develop their own projects. In this way we can spend more time working with you, and the research pursued during your residency can benefit multiple projects. While in our other residency formats you might be completely free to design your own residency, here we like to get involved in its shape and implementation.

Documentation: We expect your process and results to be documented online, on this wiki, on FoAM's blog and Flickr pages. If you have your own ways/sites where you document your work, we will discuss how to incorporate them in the process as well.

Collaboration with FoAM members: Each microresidency is tailor-made, so involvement of FoAM members will differ per residency. Depending on your residency proposal we will suggest which people to involve and how, but you can also ask to collaborate with a specific person. If the expertise you need is not found in FoAM's core team, we can assist with finding collaborators in our wider network.

Budget: There is a small budget which can be used to cover fees, material costs, books and/or local travel. We also provide accommodation and subsistence at FoAM in Brussels.

Related: residencies and transiencies, http://fo.am/microresidencies